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EcoLogic's Fuel-Efficient Cookstove Project Received Energy Globe Award's Certificate of Honor

EcoLogic received a Certificate of Honor from the Energy Globe Award, one of the most important awards for sustainability.

EcoLogic was among the recipients of a Certificate of Honor from the 23rd Energy Globe Award for our efforts to reduce deforestation and improve the livelihoods of rural and Indigenous communities in Guatemala using fuel-efficient cookstoves.

Since 1995, the provision of fuel-efficient stoves has been an essential part of our mission to fight deforestation and enhance the health and well-being of rural and Indigenous communities in Central America and Mexico.

Most residents of these communities burn wood to cook their food, typically using an open pit or a rudimentary cookstove set up in the center of their home. These traditional cookstoves seriously affect the health of community members, primarily women and children. They also contribute to intensifying deforestation and the impact of climate change at a local level as they require a significant amount of fuel, which forces community members to cut down trees in vital ecosystems, including mangrove forests.

Cookstoves that are less forest resource-intensive are a critical step in mitigating the steep rate of deforestation in Central America and Mexico.

Cookstoves that are less forest resource-intensive are a critical step in mitigating the steep rate of deforestation in Central America and Mexico. Working with local partners and community members, we build or install cookstoves that work more efficiently, require less fuel wood, and vent smoke and pollutants from homes.

The planning and management of these projects always take into consideration the needs and priorities of local housewives, the primary users of the stoves, to obtain the most significant adoption, proper use, and durability. We also consider local communities' traditions and culture when designing a new stove model to suit the communities' needs in the long term. Moreover, our team provides training to women for the use, construction, and repair of stoves.

To date, EcoLogic has built and installed over 6,059 fuel-efficient stoves in Central America and Mexico.

The Certificate of Honor from Energy Globe is an incredible privilege. Our deepest gratitude goes to our field team and local partners for their hard work and tireless efforts in making these projects successful. We are also incredibly grateful to the members of the rural and Indigenous communities we work with for their willingness and eagerness to try and adopt our new cookstoves.


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