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8 Actions You Can Take to Help in the Fight Against Climate Change

At EcoLogic, we believe that every small action counts. Our mission is to work with local and indigenous communities in Central America and Mexico to defend our planet, its forests, and its biodiversity. This article lists eight small acts everyone can do to protect the environment.

Every year we see that climate disasters are becoming more extreme, and, every year, scientists remind us that this will only get worse if we don't act fast.

Developing countries face the most severe consequences of climate change. Their populations are often forced to flee their homes and lands because of environmental cataclysms like desertification or floods.

More needs to be done. Certainly, national and international policies must address corporate practices and systemic structures that lead to industrial greenhouse gas emissions. But small actions that individuals can take are also more important than ever.

Nearly every action we take has an environmental impact. If you want to know how you can contribute to the solution here we share 8 tips you can start implementing today to help tackle climate change:

1 Knowledge is Power

Talk to your friends, family, and co-workers about what they can do (and why) to help fight climate change. Growing awareness of the urgency of the crisis and educating people on the solutions to reduce their carbon footprint is a significant step forward in fighting the climate crisis. Some great sources of information are Project Drawdown and Treehugger.

At EcoLogic, we conduct educational programs and workshops to help community members understand how ecosystems work and how to sustainably restore biodiversity and be more resilient to climate cha

Students learn about seeds from Don Agustín.

nge. For instance, we recently had an art workshop in Totonicapán, Guatemala to reflect with local Indigenous youth about the importance of their ancestral forest and their role in its conservation for the sustainable development of their community.

2 Plant a Garden

Nurturing local parks, reserves, and gardens is vital in the fight against climate change. Take care of the nature around you. Think about planting a home garden in your own backyard or help create a community garden!

EcoLogic supports the establishment of community and home gardens in rural communities. We use native species and perennial plants to maintain a sustainable approach. Our activities enhance household food security and local well-being.

Furthermore, our team train farmers in agroforestry techniques to reduce slash-and-burn agriculture and contribute to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation.

3 Reduce Deforestation

Forests are an incredibly powerful ally in the fight to curb CO2 levels. You can reduce deforestation by limiting or eliminating products that cause deforestation, buying recycled products, and furniture made with sustainably harvested wood. Look for third-party certifications such as Forest Stewardship Council and Rainforest Alliance Certified.

EcoLogic works to reduce deforestation caused by cooking in rural areas, by installing fuel-efficient stoves and planting “energy forests.”

EcoLogic also works with local communities to conserve standing forests and help degraded forests naturally regenerate. Our reforestation activities start by helping local communities build nurseries and greenhouses, harvest or buy native tree seeds, and obtain the materials needed to carry out the activities. We teach community members about the life cycle of a forest, appropriate watering and care of seedlings, and transplanting techniques.

Our team supports the reforestation activities carried out by the Natural Resource Council of the 48 Cantones of Totonicapán, Guatemala. The project aims to manage forest resources sustainably, preserve watersheds, and regenerate forest areas damaged by logging, fires, and pine beetle infestations.

4 Reduce Water Waste

Take shorter showers, and don't forget to turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or washing your hands. Water management helps communities become more resilient to natural disasters. In addition, it saves energy and consequently reduces carbon pollution.

EcoLogic's reforestation and regeneration activities take place in watershed areas. For the communities we work with conserving their water sources is a major priority. For example, in northern Honduras with our partner the Association of Water Committees of the Southern Sector of Pico Bonito National Park (AJAASSPIB) the main focus is the conservation of the 6,111-hectare Uchapa-Pimienta watershed that provides water to approximately 50,000 residents.

5 Make Your Voice Heard

Tackling climate emergency successfully depends on the decisions politicians and local leaders take. So it's up to electors and community members to keep up with the pressure: reach out to your local representatives if you disagree with their decisions on climate and environmental issues.

It's up to electors and community members to keep up with the pressure: reach out to your local representatives if you disagree with their decisions on climate and environmental issues.

At EcoLogic, we work with community members, especially indigenous women, to facilitate participatory processes. We enable members to be part of the decision-making process that impacts the local ecosystem. As a result, community members are empowered to design strategies, monitor project impact, advocate for their priorities, and raise and manage funds independently.

In the Municipality of Livingston, Guatemala, we are helping develop environmentally sustainable small enterprises to empower indigenous women of three Maya Q'eqchi communities.

By working directly with three Women's Committees, our team aims to provide sustainable livelihood options for women in an area where farming and fishing are the main sources of subsistence.

6 Invest in the Planet

Use your savings or make investments that support planet-friendly causes: choose banks or pension funds that don't invest in carbon-polluting industries.

EcoLogic advocates for the inclusion and participation of local and indigenous communities in incentive mechanisms or Payment for Ecosystem Services (PES) programs. For example, we help communities gain access to Guatemala’s PROBOSQUE program. Its objective is to promote the management of natural forests to guarantee the provision of goods and services from the forest for the benefit of the country and society in general. Communities that are able to develop a management plan and meet all the requirements receive a yearly incentive payment from the National Forest Institute (INAB).

7 Reduce Your Impact on the Planet by Composting

Composting the organic waste we generate daily enriches the soil, reduces the need for chemical fertilizers, and helps create humus. This rich nutrient-filled material facilitates healthier and more vigorous plant growth.

Among other benefits, composting is an incredible instrument in the fight against climate change as waste disposal causes direct and indirect emissions of greenhouse gases. Compost puts waste to good use: By diverting organic materials from landfills and using them to compost instead, you can help reduce landfill emissions, lower your carbon footprint, and support the environment.

In Oaxaca, Mexico, we have been collaborating with professors from Universidad del Pueblo de San José Chiltepec and our partner FARCO to organize workshops for local communities on how to make compost and organic compounds to control common pests and diseases in family gardens.

8 Support an Organization

Support an organization that works to protect the environment!

At EcoLogic, we strive to be agents of change for the conservation and restoration of nature in Mexico and Central America. Support our work by making a donation of any size or signing up for our newsletter!


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