Photo Credit: Isabel Carrio
The knowledge possessed by rural and indigenous communities directly contributes to the protection and restoration of the remarkable biodiversity of tropical ecosystems in Central America and Mexico. The transfer of this knowledge safeguards unique cultural traditions that have ensured community and ecological resilience for centuries.
Incorporating this diverse knowledge--as each community and context is different--into our conservation work can be a challenge. However, when respectful relationships that benefit both local communities and the planet are created, local knowledge and sustainable development initiatives can merge successfully.
This integration leads to the design and implementation of truly innovative, effective, and practical strategies that have a lasting impact. We do this by holding participatory workshops where people define, analyze, and discuss problems and solutions; training where people learn new skills and techniques for sustainable development and conservation; and learning exchanges where people share what they've learned, what has been successful, and what needs changing.
Culture and Traditional Knowledge
The knowledge possessed by rural and indigenous communities directly contributes to the protection and restoration of the remarkable biodiversity of tropical ecosystems in Central America and Mexico.