Get Involved
Your support makes it possible for EcoLogic to continue to work hand in hand with communities to save their forests and water. There are many ways to express that support. Learn more!
Volunteers are an integral and respected part of our team. To volunteer check out our available listings, or drop us an email. We are always interested in discussing ways talented and interested parties can help us accomplish our mission to empower rural and indigenous peoples to restore and protect tropical ecosystems in Central America and Mexico.

Donor Advised Funds
A donor advised fund (DAF) is a charitable giving program that allows you to combine the most favorable tax benefits with the flexibility to support your favorite causes. If you have a donor advised fund, DAF Direct enables you to recommend gifts, either one-time or sustaining, to EcoLogic Development Fund directly from your DAF.
Double Your Donation with Matching Gifts
Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees to our organization? Please use this search tool to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift.
Planned Giving: Green Gifts
Did you know there are creative ways to support EcoLogic? A planned gift can be made during your lifetime or through an estate plan. With thoughtful planning, you can create win-win solutions for you and EcoLogic! Check with your financial adviser to find out the many options you have for making a planned gift. Learn more.
Corporate Sponsorship
Corporate Sponsorship is an exciting opportunity for your company to become involved with EcoLogic and provides visibility with a diverse and wide-ranging audience. Your sponsorship will support EcoLogic’s mission to empower rural and indigenous peoples to restore and protect tropical ecosystems in Central America and Mexico.
Transfer Stocks
Make a gift of securities, real estate, or life insurance. A gift of stock or other securities or real estate may allow donors to reduce capital gains taxes and receive an income tax deduction. Naming EcoLogic as the owner and beneficiary of your life insurance policy may also result in a tax deduction; if premiums are still due, your future payments may also be deductible.
Double Your Donation with Matching Gifts
Did you know that thousands of companies match donations by employees to our organization? Please use this search tool to see if your company will match your donation and to access the forms, guidelines, and instructions that you need to submit a matching gift.